Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2025 about utility, page 7 / 17

DAAD Ready v0.5 by Uto to easily compile DAAD games as tape or disk for targeted computers


Si vous souhaitez créer un jeu d'aventure texte et/ou graphique alors DAAD est ce qu'il vous faut (PunyInform aussi mais sans graphiques, en pur texte).

DAAD permettant de cibler beaucoup d'ordinateurs, Uto a créé DAAD Ready qui vous permets de créer facilement des images cassettes ou disquette prêtes à l'emploi sur les ordinateurs supportés par DAAD.

Bien que DAAD ne supporte officiellement que l'anglais et l'espagnol, DAAD ready ajoute un support limité du portugais, allemand et français. Cela va permettre notamment d'avoir une version française de Tristam Island.

Vous pouvez télécharger DAAD Ready ici.

NOMWARS, an Amstrad CPC game written with 8BP v041 (and more)


Jose Javier Garcia Aranda has released a new version of NOMWARS (tape and disk) written with 8BP v41 (8bits de poder : 8bits of power), his RSX library to write Amstrad CPC games in basic and asm.

A physical edition of the game can be bought on Hobby Retro.

You can download 8bp on github.

You can also get SPEDIT v14, an utility to capture sprites from games or pictures made with an utility such as ConnvImgCPC, Martine...

And finally, he is working on a menu application for DES cartridges, to allow easy launching on games installed inside such a cartridge.

RASM v1.6 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v1.6 (29th October 2021).

Rasm is now available on Github (documentation included).

This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

Source code of the assembler/desassembler DAMS is available since March 2015


Pascal SEGUY is the author of the DAMS utility (assembler and desassembler), edited by Micro Applications in 1985 and by Audiogenic Software LTD in the U.K.

I just discovered in a CPCWiki thread about FutureOS that Mr. SEGUY did put the source code of DAMS on Github.

Dream Walker, a new adventure game for Amstrad CPC (with CP/M)


Dream Walker is a new beta adventure game by Gareth Pitchford, written with the PAW adventure engine. It will be later written with DAAD to be ported to other platforms.

You must execute CP/M first to be able to launch the game.

Amstrad Diagnostics ROM v1.2 by Noël Llopis (June 2021)


Noel Llopis has written an Amstrad CPC diagnostic ROM which is now version 1.2 and whose sources are available on Github.

Changes since v1.1 are :

  • fixing model detection
  • changing the RAM detection algorithm to be able to tell bad RAM from no RAM
  • Vendor and refresh frequency display
  • Detection of Plus ROMs (English, Spanish, and French)

DSK lib v0.14 by Impact, a golang library to handle dsk image file, and a CL


DSK lib v0.14 is a a golang library to handle Amstrad CPC disk images (.DSK) by Impact, coming with an command line utility (CLI). To compile the executable : go build -o dsk cli/main.go

A new version of Martine by Impact is available (v0.30)


Martine v0.30.0 is an utility written by the Impact group :

  • converting JPG and PNG images to Overscan screen or window for Amstrad CPC (and Plus series)
  • new tile map mode, which allow to analyze an image of a level game, and produce .imp and .til readable by tile tool from Impact

The last available version is v0.30 which was released the 14th September 2021. It is available for Windows, MacOS, ARM64 and linux.

WIP CPC Tile by AST/Imp4ct, a tile editor to be used with iMPdraw


CPC Tile by AST/Impact is a tile editor in beta version. It must be used with iMPdraw as it is using its I/O. You can see a video of CPC Tile on Youtube.

RASM v1.5 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v1.5 (19th July 2021).

Rasm is now available on Github (documentation included).

This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

M4FE v2.0.3, a frontend in ROM for the Amstrad CPC wifi extension card M4 Board


The new version of M4FE v2.0.3, a frontend for the wifi M4 board by Abalore is available. It fixes a problem loading SNA files with name lengths other than eight characters.

Soundtracker DMA v2.0 by Zik for Amtrad CPC+


Soundtracker DMA v2.0 by Zik (Futurs) is released. It's a music composition software for Amstrad CPC+. It takes advantage of CPC+ audio DMA lists to allow AY-SID and AY sample sounds while keeping CPU load low. You may have heard of it before as the musics of CRTC3 demo by Roudoudou was done with a preliminary version of the tool. It needs 128 Kb of RAM, so 6128+ is needed.

Amstrad Diagnostics ROM v1.10 by Noël Llopis


Noel Llopis has written an Amstrad CPC diagnostic ROM which is already at version 1.10 and whose sources are available on Github.

Changes since v0.91 :

  • New main menu and summary screen
  • Checking for 464 vs 664 models
  • Fixed crash on DSK build
  • Fix: Upper RAM test on Plus and GX4000 working again
  • Improved keyboard layout in keyboard test
  • Support for 464/664, 6128, and matrix keyboard layout (use TAB to cycle through them)
  • Tries to autodetects Amstrad model and pick correct keyboard layout automatically
  • Tries to autodetect ROM language and picks Spanish or French keyboard layout if necessary
  • Fix: Upper RAM test doesn't trigger FDC

For more news, Go to home page