Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2025 about developpement

WIP Micro Machines on SymbOS + V9990 by Trebmint and Prodatron


Micro Machines for SymbOS and V9990 graphical card by Trebmint and Prodatron is an hommage to the game made by Codemasters. The game is work in progress but it is shaping quite nicely as you will see in the video below.

Bomb Jack Remake by Anthony Flack on Amstrad CPC available


It is released, the mode 1 remake of Bomb by Anthony Flack after two years of work.

loading screen of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack

RASM v2.3.3 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.3.3) was released five days ago on Github.

  • ability to remap any UTF8 char when using inline struct and parameter overload
  • Rasm MSDOS version is back ^_^

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

New version of the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator ACE-DL (01/22) by Roudoudou


New version by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (01/22/2025) :

  • upgraded iMPdraw rom pack to sept 2024
  • new options for EDSK autosave and versioning
  • ability to save Tiles/Sprites in graphic explorer
  • ability to load RASM symbols chunk in Cartridge (get new Rasm!)
  • ability to toggle all execution breakPoints from Trace with key 'T'
  • execution breakPoints in watcher mode are now green in Trace

RASM v2.3.2 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.3.2) was released today on Github.

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

SymbOS C compiler v1.1 for windows by Prevtenet


I missed the initial release of SCC (SymbOS C Compiler) in September 2024 by Prevtenet. The version v1.1 just got out today. It's a C compiler, a fork of Alan Cox's brilliant Fuzix Compiler Kit reworked into a complete development toolchain for SymbOS. Currently SCC runs on Windows and cross-compiles binaries for SymbOS, but can also cross-compile itself to run natively (albeit slowly) on SymbOS itself.

You can download SCC v1.1 on Github.

New version of the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator ACE-DL (24/12) by Roudoudou


New version by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (12/24/2024) :

  • spanish translations for the GUI (see flags with F12)
  • ability to use (L)abels to jump in memory from Graphics Explorer
  • augmenter ou diminuer le son avec les touches +/- du clavier numérique

Crystal Place by Francesc ALCAUCER for Amstrad CPC


Crystal Place is an Amstrad CPC reflexion game by Francesc ALCAUCER written 100% in Locomotive basic. He wrote four others games : CPC Invaders, Wrecking Ball, Tiny Deathmatch et Tetrid dotBAS.

New version of ACE-DL (14/12) by Roudoudou


New versions by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (12/14/2024) :

  • added new traductions
  • added FullScreen mode for Linux/Windows users (F11 key or Apple-F)
  • upgrade width/height limit to 512 in Graphics Explorer
  • added Amsdos header option for Memory import in configuration saves
  • now you can resize Graphics Explorer window + size saved in configuration
  • display an error message when a file is not supported (instead of simply discarding it)
  • bugfix step over in trace with HALT, LDIR, CPIR and other 'looped' instructions
  • bugfix number of selected Upper Rom, displayed in Gate Array window
  • bugfix number of selected bytes after a successful search
  • bugfix recovery of explorers coordinates after close/reopening

Order the issue 3 of the newspaper 64 NOPS (in english)


You can order the issue 3 in english of the newspaper 64 NOPS on Ulule. It's a project by Hicks/Vanity and toms/Pulpo Corrosivo, the cover is made by Beb, 64 pages A4 and delivery will be in February 2025.

Don't forget the 64 NOPS web site even if they are no new articles since a moment.

Learn to create a video game on Amstrad CPC in basic with zilogCAceFAIpu


After StephBB, GameDevCodeur, another serie of actually 10 videos to learn to program a game on Amstrad CPC in Locomotive Basic by zilogCAceFAIpu. The first video (french inside) is here, the ultimate goal being to recreate classic video game like Boulder Dash which is explained in the 10th video. And more to come.

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