News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

New Amstrad CPC programs as MP3 on Amstradeus (March 2006)


As usual, vous will find Amstrad CPC programs as MP3 files on Amstradeus. Last games to appear on the site are Combat lynx, Critical mass, Confuzion, Contraption, the Covenant, Costa Capers, Chickin case, Chimera, Chuckie Egg, City slicker, Challenge of the gobots and Chessmater 2000.

ConvImgCpc v0.11 with overscan support


A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque is out. It's a windows xp utility to convert PC images to Amstrad CPC. This version supports overscan and features an editor to modify the image before writing it.

CPCDiskXP v1.4, a .DSK file manager by Mochilote on CPCMania


A new version of CPCDiskXP is available on CPC Mania. It's a .DSK file manager for windows XP (v1.4).

CPCDiskXP for windows XP

Symbiface II status by Dr Zed


Dr Zed has given informations about the Symbiface II status. Bugs were discovered at the Castlemeeting 2006. He is now only waiting for PCB he ordered (3 weeks) to start really the production.

ConvImgCpc v0.10 with CPC+ 4096 colors support by Ludovic Deplanque


A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque is out.

It's a windows xp utility to convert PC images to Amstrad CPC. This version supports the 4096 colors of the Amstrad CPC+.