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Audio Overload v2.2.1, a VGM player by Richard Bannister


Richard Bannister was the maintainer of a MacOS port of the Arnold emulator, now maintained by Kevin Thacker. But he is also the author of the Audio Overload utility which lets you play VGM music files, including .AY and .YM Amstrad music files. This utility runs on MacOS, Windows and Linux.

RASM v1.1 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v1.1 (23th June 2020).

Rasm is now available on Github (documentation included).

This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

Martine, an image conversion utility by Impact


Martine is an utility converting JPG and PNG images to Overscan screen or window for Amstrad CPC (and Plus series). The last available version is v021 which was released the 22th January 2020.

8th alpha of the soundtrakker for PC Arkos Tracker by Targhan (Arkos)


Targhan has released Arkos Tracker v2.0.0a8 for linux, windows and mac.

  • Play and compose your music in real-time on your CPC via any serial interface! The CPC client supports the CPC/Mini Booster, USIfAC and Albireo! And also the PlayCity! This means you can directly hear how your 3/6/9-channel music will sound on the CPC!
  • A toolbox in the pattern viewer to transpose, swap, remap specific instruments.
  • Instrument preview when loading them.
  • A better MIDI import.
  • MOD import can generate PSG instruments instead of samples. Useful for conversion to soundchip!
  • New logo and splash screen.
  • And many, many smaller features and bug-fixes.

Pixel Polizei by Markku Reunanen, a windows graphic utility


You are a graphist on PC but you want that your pixel art to be on one of the following platform quoted below. Pixel Polizei will check the conformity of the color limits and save the result in the native format :

  • Amstrad CPC
  • ColecoVision
  • Commodore 64
  • Commodore Plus/4
  • MSX
  • Oric
  • Panasonic JR-200
  • Sharp MZ-700
  • Sharp MZ-800
  • ZX Spectrum

iMPdraw v2 by AST/Imp4ct is released


The draw utility by AST/Imp4act Impdraw v2 is out since the 8th November, coming also with the release of iMPdos 512 (a FAT16 ROM for your xMass, M4 or Symbiface 3, it doesnt need Amsdos so an CPC 464 can use it). Click on the source link below for download (at the end of the first message).

La précédente version (v1.2) date d'avril 2016, les améliorations sont les suivantes :

  • a huge zoom zone
  • using he 4096 palette of the Amstrad Plus
  • fullscreen support for the 3 graphical modes of the CPC (0, 1 et 2)
  • possibility of creating plugins with OrgAms or any other assembler
  • adds Undo/Redo
  • 100% compatible xMass with iMPdos, M4 wifi board and Symbiface 3 (thanks to @Kris for testing it)
  • in case of basic return or reset, you can get back your file
  • an included utility to create frames
  • Load/Save .win
  • Load .scr 17 kb files
  • integrated help

Beware, Impdraw uses more than 128 Kb, if you use WinApe please choose 4 Mb of RAM. Also a new version will be out in a few days

Z80 BBC Basic by R.T. Russell is now open source


David Given who is the author of CP/Mish (CP/M for Notepad NC200 using disk drive) did obtain from Richard Russel author of the Z80 BBC Basic that this version becames open source (Zlib license) and so available on CP/MIsh's github.

You can read the history of the BBC Basic on Richard Russell's web site.

CP/M on Amstrad Notepad NC200, ZCN or CP/Mish by David Given ?


To use the CP/M operating system on an Amstrad notepad NC200, you needed before ZCN by Russell Marks with a SRAM card.

But now it is also possible to use a rewrite of CP/M without any original Digital Research's code by starting from a disk with CP/Mish by David Given (see a youtube video).

All CP/MIsh sources are on Github for Linux.

The available memory is 60 Kb by using all the memory available (128 Kb) but please check the NC200 readme for more informations especially the warnings about files in RAM (lost after notepad is off), the disk cache (chance disk only at CP/M prompt, and switch off the notepad only at prompt or you may loose write disk accesses).

Disark by Targhan (Arkos), a disassembler/source converter


After the release of Arkos Tracker alpha 5 andt 6 by Targhan, it's the turn for the Disark utility.

Disark is a new cross-platform software (for Windows/Linux/MacOsX) developed because it was needed for Arkos Tracker 2, it is a Z80 disassembler/source converter.

Besides the disassembling part, the main goal of Disark is to convert a source into any other assembler's source. For example, AT2 Z80 sources heavily rely on RASM macros, which are not understood by other assemblers. So the trick is:

  • Assemble the player/music with Rasm (this gives a binary and a symbol file)
  • Use Disark on the binary to recreate the source, without all the bothersome macros!

5th alpha of the soundtrakker for PC Arkos Tracker by Targhan (Arkos)


Targhan has released Arkos Tracker v2.0.0a5 for linux, windows and mac.

  • Many graphics improvement, including even more space for the pattern viewer.
  • Midi in: plug your keyboard and have fun!
  • Midi import: import your Midi songs.
  • New AKM (minimalist) player: more compact and powerful than the Lightweight!
  • Source converter: convert the music and player source to any assembler (winape, sdcc, pasmo, vasm, etc.) automatically, thanks to Disark, a new tool (for which I'll create a new thread...)!
  • ROM players: by setting a flag, the players will not use auto-modification anymore, but a small buffer to put in RAM, whereas the player itself can be put in ROM.
  • Support for specific hardware:
    • PlayCity (9 channels)
    • Spectrum Turbosound (6 channels)
    • SpectrumNext (9 channels)
    • MSX Darky (6 channels)
    • MSX FPGA (6 channels)
  • ... and many other improvements

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