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New version of ACE-DL (11/18) by Roudoudou


New versions by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (11/18/2024) :

  • new extra Timer to increase ACE refresh accuracy
  • added Atari SC1224 monitor emulation
  • Added configuration SAVE/LOAD in configuration main menu
  • Added configuration select from command line
  • Left-clic on Reset must not reinitialise extended memory
  • Command line option to select another Audio driver (AceDL -h for help)
  • all GUI almost translated in French (optional)
  • bugfix plastic cover size with CTM filters
  • bugfix ACE breakpoints + evolutions

Arkos Tracker v3.2.1 beta by Targhan is available


Arkos Tracker v3 by Targhan is available on the new web site, the new site isn't complete but it holds already several tutorials. The last version available is v3.2.1 (21th October 2024). It's a beta version but totally usuable as stated by the Targhan, for windows, mac and linux (intel and ARM).

Dizark isn't anymore embedded in Arkos Tracker and has now its own web site. Disark is a Z80 disassembler, but it is more than that as it can be used to convert sources from an assembler to another.

Below you will find the content of the announcement of Arkos Tracker 3 on CPCWiki :

Arkos Traker 3! It is a 100% redesigned, recoded version of Arkos Tracker. Don't worry though :

  • Compatibility with the previous versions of AT is ensured
  • The players are unchanged, minus a few bugs (AKY users should re-encode their files though)

A few features :

  • Open source
  • A completely new instrument editor
  • Simplified pattern management
  • Undo/redo everywhere
  • Theme-able

UniDOS v1.51 by Offset for Amstrad CPC (September 2024)


These last years several expansions allows you to use mass storage (USB or sd...) on Amstrad CPC, each needing a ROM to use it correctly.

And if you use two of these expansions, you will need to load two ROMs, so less RAM for your Amstrad CPC.

So Offset did write UniDOS and drivers to be able to use another expansion, needing only one ROM with features being the same whatever the expansion. Unidos can manage actually :

Offset also wrote UniDOS Cartridge Creator (v1.4) which is an utility to create Amstrad Plus cartridges equipped with a patched firmware which allows to add UniDOS and its DOS nodes. You can furthermore configure up to 30 additional tool ROMs (such as Utopia, Maxam, Protext..) in the cartridges (compatible with ParaDOS and Burnin' Rubber) without requiring a real ROM board. The tool also let you automatically download the latest UniDOS ROMs from the official web site.

Unidos v1.51 is a minor release released in September 2024, which is only fixing the|COPY RSX so that it also works properly with weird binary headers generated by some PC tools.

New version of FutureOS, an OS for Amstrad CPC (10/2024) and the disc mag FutureView 5


Last version of the FutureOS operating system by Gunhed for Amstrad CPC was released 4 days ago. So lets update your FutureOS installation to be able to read the disc mag FutureView 5 Halloween issue (if you don't update you risk to have difficulties to read it, if you want to use the ROMs do use the slots 10 to 13, otherwise you can use the DSK installation or the M4 files to put at the folder of the M4 SD card).

New versions of RASM 2.2.9 and ACE-DL (10/26) by Roudoudou


New versions by Roudoudou of his RASM Z80 assembler v2.2.9 and of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (10/26/2024) :

  • Dandanator goes to Basic mode without cartridge to avoid side effects
  • new button in Machine configuration to reinit the entire machine (no plugin, no rom, no breakpoints)
  • import of natives ACE breakpoints from RASM symbol file
  • may click Timer in Trace to reset nop counter
  • may press F7,F8,F10 when trace mode but focused on another window
  • added HOME/END and Shift+HOME/END in memory explorer to navigate in memory and selection
  • more persistence for CRTC register value change
  • update also RASM to benefit direct import of native ACE breakpoints

RASM v2.2.6 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC, integrated with ACE-DL


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.2.6) was released yesterday on Github.

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

3D print and Amstrad CPC programs by Manuel3D


Manuel3D is the author of 3 Amstrad CPC programs, two utilities : New font for Amstrad CPC and Draw a star, and also a game : the hangman.

On his Youtube channel, his latest video is one about a case for an Amstrad CPC 464, but I dont know if he is the author of the 3D model.

mTCP NetDrive (16th August 2024) by Michael B. Brutman


New version (16th August 2024) of mTCP NetDrive, an utility by Michael B. Brutman which lets you connect under ms-dos a network drive which is in fact an image disk hosted on a windows or linux server (disk drive or hard disk image) for only 6 Kb of RAM (adds the RAM for the packet driver though).

A nice utility to use with the PicoMem card by FreddyV.

PCRetroTech, a Youtube channel for Amstrad PC 1512 and 1640 users (and CPC)


PCRetroTech is a recommended Youtube channel if you are interested by the Amstrad PC 1512 (with its 16 colours CGA mode) and PC 1640 (with its plantronics mode). I recommend these videos (there are more of course, the 3rd is also about Amstrad CPC) :

Microweb v2.0, a web navigator pour msdos et 808x (+) by James Howard


MicroWeb v2.0 par James Howardest un navigateur web pour processeur Intel 8088 (et +), CGA, EGA, VGA ou Hercules, interface réseau ou port série et driver EtherSLIP), souris recommandée non nécessaire, 640 Ko de mémoire recommandé, EMS/XMS non nécessaire (mais permets de charger des plages plus importantes en taille). Cette nouvelle version apporte les fonctionnalités suivantes :

  • Support for more video modes, including monochrome and colour modes (including Amstrad PC 1512 in 16 colors mode)
  • GIF images are now loaded
  • PNG and JPEG dimensions are loaded but not the content
  • Improved font rendering and better Unicode support for accented characters
  • More HTML tag support including tables and forms
  • Can now leverage EMS memory (if available) for larger pages and images

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