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New version of Cpcxfs by Kevin Thacker


If 2CDT is used to manage Amstrad CPC tape images, the new version of cpcxfs by Kevin Thacker is used to manage Amstrad CPC disk images.

This new version fixes :

  • errors shown with static analysis
  • cpcxfs will correctly set ERRORLEVEL command-line variable under more error conditions
  • there is more bug I forget them sorry

New version of 2CDT by Kevin Thacker


New version of the 2CDT utility by Kevin Thacker which lets you create a tape image file (.CDT) or inject files inside.

New feature of this version : you can define the sync byte for headerless.

Corrected in this version :

  • command-line processing under windows and linux has been re-written. It is a lot better
  • if you uses the mode with 2 blocks and you gave it a file which was shorter than a block it would not write it correctly. Now fixed
  • When using pure tone it didn't write the length of the '1' pulse correctly
  • Some issues seen when running static analysis over the code.

New versions of WinAPE (Amstrad CPC emulator) and ParaDOS by Richard Wilson


At least a new version of the WinAPE Amstrad CPC emulator by Richard Wilson.

En résumé elle apporte des améliorations sur l'émulation du Z80, changement de palette, émulation sonore, support des cassettes, assembleur et désassembleur.

Also, there is a new version of ParaDOS, a ROM (for CPC old and +) used for disc and files manipulations. Source of ParaDOS is available too.

Claudia Converter (special zoom edition) by Eliot


After iMPdraw (download link), here is a new version of the Claudia Converter utility by Eliot.

it can load .BMP and .SCR created with the ConvIMG CPC utility, to show and modify them with the zoom tool. It manages fullscreen and CPC+ palette.

iMPdraw lite by AST/Imp4ct, a paint program for Amstrad CPC


In december 2014, a preview of iMPdraw by AST was out. iMPdraw version 1 is now called iMPdraw lite, used for example for screens released at the Reset #20 meeting (usable on CPC and CPC+).

A new version (iMPdraw v2) is in the work since January 2015 by AST and ToTO.

Other painting program : GOS (CPC+ only) and Claudia (CPC and CPC+).

Samdisk v3.8.8 by Simon Owen, Amstrad CPC disks tranfers on PC


SAMdisk v3.8.8 by Simon Owen is out since the 8th July.

The utility supports transfers between floppy disks and disk images, and is designed to work with almost any soft-sectored disk format compatible with the PC floppy controller, including some copy-protected formats.

Low-level floppy device access requires the fdrawcmd.sys driver to be installed.

  • Added D88 support for 1D and 1DD disk types
  • Added .1dd output extension for 1D/1DD in D88 container
  • Added cylinder count detection to D88 image reading
  • Added support for .2d raw format
  • Fixed destructor crash bug in gcc builds (Linux and Mac)
  • Fixed TR-DOS false-positives by requiring .trd extension

iMPdraw by Ast/iMP4CT, a preview of a paint program for Amstrad CPC old and plus


You can test a preview of a new paint program for Amstrad CPC old and plus : iMPdraw by Ast/iMP4CT.

Samdisk v3.8 by Simon Owen, Amstrad CPC disks tranfers on PC


SAMdisk v3.8 by Simon Owen is out since the 9th March 2014.

The utility supports transfers between floppy disks and disk images, and is designed to work with almost any soft-sectored disk format compatible with the PC floppy controller, including some copy-protected formats.

Low-level floppy device access requires the fdrawcmd.sys driver to be installed.

Version 3.8, last updated 9th March 2014
- Added support for SuperCard Pro .scp flux disk images (MFM+FM)
- Added --pll option to control PLL method with flux image scanning
- Fixed --head giving ambiguous option error due to typo
- Fixed KBI-19 format slightly overhanging track wrap
- Improved EOT handling of flux images containing just one revolution
- Changed --slow-step to --old-drive to better match usage

HxC Floppy Drive Emulator v2.0.18.4 available on Sourceforge


HxC Floppy Drive Emulator v2.0.18.4 is available on Github.

It's an utility to create images to be used by the SDCard HxC Floppy Emulator, to replace the good old 3 inch disks drives of our Amstrad CPC.

HxC Floppy Emulator Manager V3 released by NoRecess


The 3rd version of the HxC Floppy Emulator Manager is available.

It's a complete rewrite of the original software.

It features a new user interface (thanks Ced !), better support of the HxC Floppy Emulator device (detection, release..) and some critical bug-fixes.

Finally, it now allows proper exit to BASIC (Amstrad CPC's default shell).

The software remains available as a ROM.

New Amstrad CPC firmware by Syx et TotO


A new Amstrad CPC firmware is available, written by Syx and TotO.

This Firmware was designed to get a better support of RAM and ROM expansions. Looking the future, not the past.

It don't work with BASIC 1.0 and no more support Tape by default. (need a ROM to manage it, that allow to improve it as new storages too).

So, the actual target is all CPC with BASIC 1.1 and floppy or HxC drives.

New features are :

  • Display RAM (up to 576K)
  • Display CRTC version
  • Initialize up to 32 ROM
  • Boot with [ESC] initialize only ROM 0 & 7
  • Mouse support under BASIC (see the previous FW test)
  • Fix the FR chars table, so all keys are properly displayed
  • CTRL+keys give usefull chars

Beware, you must use the 16 Ko files with an emulator. 32 Ko ROMs are to be used with a real Amstrad CPC.

Loading screen of an Amstrad CPC with firmware v3.12

CPCDiskXP v2.4 by Mochilote on CPCMANIA


The last version of the CPCDiskXP utility is available on CPCMania.

  • DSKEditor - Small changes to fix problems with PCW. Single side dsk's seem to work perfectly in the editor and the emulator.
  • GENERAL - Sometimes the main interface buttons are cut off and can not be pressed (as shown in the image above), usually in Vista and W7 if you increase the default font size, is finally solved.

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