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Creation of Rouleau de printemps by Roudoudou, a small GX-4000 and CPC+ invitro for Alchimie 1


Roudoudou did two videos about the creation of his non official invitro on Amstrad GX4000 and CPC+ for the demo party Alchimie 13 where Amstrad users will be present :

Rouleau de printemps by Roudoudou, a small GX-4000 and CPC+ invitro for Alchimie 13


Alchimie 13 will take place on the 1st to 3rd November 2019. Roudoudou has written a small Amstrad GX4000 and CPC+ invitro not official Rouleau de printemps for this demo party where Amstrad users will be present.

Creating an adventure game with Adventuron on PCs, tablets, mobile phones


Adventuron (on Twitter) lets you create an adventure game on PC, tablet and mobile phone (and more later).

Excalibur: Sword of Kings is a game created with Adventuron. Original version was by Ian Smith and Shaun McClure, the Adventuron remake is by Chris Ainsley.

PawMac for windows, an utility about creating adventure games by Jason McHale


Following my article about a bit of history about creation of adventure games, PawMac by Jason McHale is a windows utility to create maps of adventure games using The Quill or PAW (to be used with Trizbort) and to convert a game created with The Quill to use it with PAW.

RASM v0.113 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v0.113 (26th April 2019). This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

The online documentation is available.

  • trigger an error when dynamic LZ section cannot crunch
  • bugfix when trying to crunch an empty section
  • dynamic debug options removed
  • snapshot & cartridge summary by default
  • embedded rasm export all labels and EQU in the info struct
  • new math function CEIL
  • rasm may handle generated name with INCBIN directive

RASM v0.112 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v0.112 (5th April 2019). This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

The online documentation is available.

update v0.111

  • error management code cleanup
  • new options with directive INCBIN for wav import
  • allow EDSK with invalid track sector size or supernumerary tracks if sectors are DATA compliant
  • bugfix confusion between generated global labels and local labels for export
  • bugfix EQU with generated names AND curly brackets formulas inside a loop
  • bugfix invalid REPEAT values will increment the error counter

  • update v0.112

  • bugfix single NOP wasn't increment nop counter ^_^
  • bugfix NOP count with ADD/SUB/XOR/AND/CP (IX+n)/(IY+n)
  • bugfix in WAV importv

Samdisk v3.8.11 by Simon Owen, Amstrad CPC disks tranfers on PC


SAMdisk v3.8.11 by Simon Owen is out since the 18th May 2018.

The utility supports transfers between floppy disks and disk images, and is designed to work with almost any soft-sectored disk format compatible with the PC floppy controller, including some copy-protected formats.

Low-level floppy device access requires the fdrawcmd.sys driver to be installed.

  • added read and write support .qdos (QL) disk images
  • added --irregular option for blind output image if first track isn't regular
  • added --fill to set filler byte for regular formats
  • fixed setting perpendicular mode for 1Mbps data rate
  • fixed reading directly to single-sided formats from a:/b:
  • fixed short data indicator showing on no-data sectors
  • fixed raw output not using source format fill byte for missing sectors
  • changed raw output to allow blank head 1 to mirror head 0 format

There is also a Samdisk 4.0 beta version on github for windows, linux and MacOS.

RASM v0.110 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v0.110 (27th February 2019). This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

The online documentation is available.

update v0.109
- bugfix crash when trying to save with a negative size
- bugfix crash case with macro and wrong parameter number
- bugfix EDSK update
- IFDEF/IFNDEF now scans for macro names
- TZX/CDT output support (not working)
- RUN directive may use unknown var as parameter
- embedded Rasm may return info struct about errors and symbols

There is more different files to download:
- msdos version
- windows 32bits executable
- windows 64bits executable (20% faster than 32bits version)
- sources

update v0.110
- allow numeric expression beginning with +
- bugfix uninitialized memory reads and memory leaks with embedded Rasm

RECOIL, a picture viewer for Android, Windows, macOS and Linux including Amstrad CPC pictures


RECOIL is an application for Android, Windows, macOS and Linux to view 20th century computer pictures, including the Amstrad CPC. Seven pictures formats of the Amstrad CPC are recognized (some I dont know) :

  • CM5+GFX (mode 5)
  • FNT (8x8 font)
  • HGB (HinterGrundBild)
  • PPH+ODD+EVE (Perfect PIX)
  • SCR+PAL (Advanced OCP Art Studio)
  • SGX (SymbOS)
  • WIN+PAL (Advanced OCP Art Studio)

RASM v0.107 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v0.107 (16th January 2019). This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

The online documentation is available.

update v0.106

- multi-line comments with /*  */

update v0.107
- colored output with Unix terminal- trigger error if a (VOID) arg is used with a
 macro which has parameter(s)
- added Vasm syntax ENDREP and ENDREPEAT to end a REPEAT block
- enforce zero result when there is an error in a calculation
- new directives NOEXPORT/ENOEXPORT to disable/enable on demand symbol export

M4FE v2.0.1, a frontend in ROM for the Amstrad CPC wifi extension card M4 Board


The new version of M4FE v2.0.1, a frontend for the wifi M4 board by Abalore is available. It corrects a problem with CATart not displaying correctly.

M4FE v1.9.9, a frontend in ROM for the Amstrad CPC wifi extension card M4 Board


The new version of M4FE v1.9.9, a frontend for the wifi M4 board by Abalore is available. It needs at least v2.0.5b8 firmware of the M4 wifi board for the support of long file names.

M4FE v1.9.8, a frontend in ROM for the Amstrad CPC wifi extension card M4 Board


The new version of M4FE v1.9.8, a frontend for the wifi M4 board by Abalore is available. It needs the last firmware for the M4 : v2.0.5b8 for the support of long file names.

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