Doh sorry for tonight but copy/paste the french text (hit the french flag up there to the right) in google translate if the photo below make you drool. Will try to translate it myself tomorrow, sorry.
To make it short, there are 7 models of the protection :
- french, english and spanish CPC 464 (472 for the spanish one)
- french and english CPC 664 (there is no Azerty 664, so the difference is just on the disk drive, both keyboards are Qwerty)
- french and english CPC 6128
Price is 17 &euros; including shipping for France and 20 &euros; for Spain (shipping included too). For any other international shipping, contact him first.
Included in the packaging :
- protection folded in its sealed cellophane
- documentation for washing and ironing
- protective bubble envelope
- shipping with tracking number
- a small gift to boost your happiness
For ordering, you must :
1) payment with Paypal of the good amount (number of order x price : 17 or 20) to fredisland at acpc dot me. You cant ask to reserve for later.
2) at the same time you pay on Papyal, you can leave a message, it's really important as you must leave your postal address, which protection you want and how many, or send these informations as a private message on Facebook or by email.
Frédéric will confirm your order (by PM or email) that your order will be processed (well if you leaved all the needed informations). As his original message was in August and as he has now the protections in stock, shipping should be quick but don't forget he is a one man show not Amazon, sometimes humans needs to eat, sleep, work too (Genesis8bit opinion, not a translation of Frédéric's words).