Archives for the month March 2018 of Genesis8 Amstrad Page

BBS Terminal by Glenn Wilton, based on Ansiterm by Ewen McNeill : RS232 communication


Arnoldemu uploaded BBS Terminal by Glenn Wilton on CPCWiki. It's a communication utility to connect on BBS (Bulletin Board System) with a RS-232 hardware. BBS Terminal is based on Ansiterm by Ewen McNeill. Arnoldemu intent to modify BBS Terminal to be able to use the wifi interface by Duke.

New version of the firmware for the wifi card M4 Board by Duke


The M4 Board which let you add wifi on your Amstrad CPC just got another firmware v2.0.4 beta 10 :

WiFi: Fix WiFi connect issue after upgrade (clear some data and set proper RF cal data).
WiFi: Fix GD25Q32C ESP8266 spi flashchip to work in Quad IO mode.
DSK: Do not show files with system attribute set. (makes better catart too)
DSK: Show '*' after file with "Read Only" attribute set.
DSK: Do not reject strange sector numbers (like AMSOFT disk protection)

Using Telnet with your Amstrad CPC and the wifi M4 Board by Duke


After chess, the wifi M4 Board has another use : connecting to internet with the telnet protocol (beware, it's not secured) thanks to Duke who programmed it for his wifi M4 Board.

CPC Dandanator mini v1.0 WIP


The extension card ZX Dandanator mini which exists on ZX Spectrum should see the light on Amstrad CPC : the CPC Dandanator mini, announced by XeNoMoRPH on Amstrad.ES.

You can read all the features of the original card on its author web site (see above).

WIP of a new game written by Zeppo69 with AGD v1.4 : Mike the guitar


Zeppo69 is working on a new game using AGD 1.4 first on Spectrum and porting it on Amstrad CPC : Mike the Guitar. But he is looking for help to finish this Amstrad CPC version, he doesnt know how to manage the music. Reply him on CPCWiki if you can help.

Amdrum support for the Next-Generation Speech Synthesizer by Michael Wessel


The Next-Generation Speech Synthesizer for the Amstrad CPC 464 by Michael Wessel now supports also the Amdrum sound card that you can listen to on Youtube.

WIP IMPDOS by AST, an Amstrad CPC ROM for the XMASS mass storage extension card


CubeIOS is out, but AST is still working on his ACMEDOS replacement : IMPDOS for the mass storage extension card XMASS.

New version 130318b of YANCC by SOS for the XMASS extension card


A new version of YANCC (Yet Another Norton Command Clone) is available (130318b). It's a text interface to manage your files on the X-Mass and the AcmeDOS ROM with an interface which looks like norton commander or midnight commander).

  • Fixed Unwanted starts of YANCC during Warm-Reset (e. g. Monty on the Run)
  • In rare circumstances, some files are copied empty.
  • In rare circumstances, the ROM-Init of YANCC makes nonsense... (e.g. in "12 Lost Souls")
  • CubeIOS bugfix

It's this new version which is needed if you want to use the new ROM CubeIOS which replaces ACMEDOS.

CubeIOS, a FAT16,32 IDE-OS ROM for the Amstrad CPC's with XMASS


The XMASS mass storage extension card can now be used with another ROM, that is CubeIOS :

  • Detect (nearly) all Fat16+Fat32-Partitions on your CF-Card, DOM, etc. (1st Partition please). Prefered is Fat32 (should be faster with Save-Commands). You can format the media with e.g. Windows and fill it with data.
  • Partial longnames.
  • the usual RSX like |MD, |RD, |REN,....
  • |DIR + |CD accepts wildcards
  • Compatibility should be high (i hope so ;) ) - but i'm playing around with a lower-rom-patch to increase compatibility.

The ROM must be placed below AMSDOS and (if used) M4DOS, PARADOS. It's not compatible with ACMEDOS at the same time. YANCC-User should be update to the latest version.

CubeIOS for Amstrad CPC and XMASS

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