News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Amstrad Expo and Klassentreffen 2009 pictures


You will find pictures of the 2 meetings Amstrad Expo and Klassentreffen 2009 on CPCscene.

Killmax, an Amstrad CPC demo by OFE


Killmax by OFE is the winning demo of the Amstrad expo 2009 meeting. The sense of humor of OFE is awful, that's why you will like the demo.

You can see a video of Killmax on Youtube (beware for a better sound run the .DSK in WinApe with a 44 Khz setting or on a real Amstrad CPC).

Youtube video

Knight Lore remake for MSX2


There is a nice remake of Knight Lore for MSX2 created by Manuel Pazos (Guillian) and Daniel Celemín (LordFred). This remake features :

  • Different palettes for day and night
  • In game map that shows the player location, visited rooms and objects location
  • Improved music (adding some reverb)
  • Torch animation (can be disabled by pressing ESC while booting the game)
  • Bug fixing of the original game
  • Intro scroll showing the 'Mist tunes'
  • On turbo R, the R800 is enabled to prevent slowdowns

Go on the RetroWorks website to get this remake and more :

  • The game ROM (48K)
  • A full game map using screenshots of this new version
  • A user manual in PDF format
  • Packing designs (cartridge label and box)

You can see a video of this Knight Lore remake on Youtube.

Youtube video

Joyce v2.2.1 by John Elliott, an Amstrad PCW emulator


Last version of Joyce (v2.2.1) by John Elliott is still fresh (January 2009), it emulates an Amstrad PCW (including the PCW16) for Unix, Windows and MacOS X.

CPCDiskXP v2.0, a .DSK file manager by Mochilote on CPCMania


A new version of CPCDiskXP is available on CPC Mania. It's a .DSK file manager for windows XP, version 2.0 is from January 2009.

CPCDiskXP for windows XP