News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque (February 2025)


A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque is out (21th February 2025).

It's a windows utility to convert PC images to Amstrad CPC.

Lee Cook on Crack'n Rom Nostalgie, quality content about the Amstrad GX4000 console


Always in advance being late, even if I had seen very interesting content by Lee Cook some weeks ago on the Facebook group Amstrad GX4000/PLUS Users and after getting his agreement to publish here both in english and french his findings, I just found yesterday that Crack'n Rom Nostalgie just published one of his writings.

So I invite you to go read it (french only) while waiting for me to work a little more :-)

Multipaint 2025 (Version 3.2.2025) and draw like a star


To make so beautiful Amstrad CPC loading screens like Eric Cubizolle (Titan), it's easy, you just need to use the same painting program : Multipaint by Tero Heikkinen AKA Dr. Terrorz, and maybe a bit of talent and mostly a lot of work.

Titan is describing Multipaint as a mmix of OCP Art Studio and Deluxe Paint for windows which offers the possibility of using the resolutions and palettes of a whole bunch of old computers including the Amstrad CPC (mode 0 and 1, overscan possible in mode 0).