Synchronized music of Pro BMX Simulator (Amstrad CPC and C64) by John Gage
-An original video by John Gage : music of Pro BMX Simulator Amstrad CPC (stéréo) and C64 (mono).
The original music is written by Matt Gray and David Whittaker.
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An original video by John Gage : music of Pro BMX Simulator Amstrad CPC (stéréo) and C64 (mono).
The original music is written by Matt Gray and David Whittaker.
CPCTelera is a multi platform (Windows with Cygwin, OS X and Linux) development framework for creating Amstrad CPC games in C and also assembly programmers. Click to see the news of CPCTelera on Github.
Retro Game Asset Studio (RGAS) v1.1.1 by Lachlank is the next evolution of Amsprite (now defunct). Using .NET, you can create graphics, sound/music levels for Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.
A new video by ChinnyVision, informations from the Alan Michael Sugar biography : The Amstrad Story by David Thomas (I did read it and found it interesting).
The last version of the C compilator for PC Z88dk v1.99a is out since December 2015.
One of the new feature is the possibility to use the SDCC engine.
A new version of the Amstrad CPC emulator Sugarbox is out.
You wish enhancements for the WinAPE Amstrad CPC emulator ? Then ask to its author on CPCWiki.
WYZTracker is a tool developed by Augusto Ruiz (interface in english and spanish), from Retroworks, that can be used to compose music for WYZPlayer.
WYZPlayer is a Z80 player for the AY-3-8910 sound chip (a 3-voice PSG : Programmable Sound Generator designed by General Instrument) used by (and for) the Amstrad CPC, MSX and Spectrum. It can be used for games and demos due to its minimal use of CPU and RAM, the player takes little code and all musics are compressed.
Finally, you can use cpcwyzlib by Raul Simarro, an Amstrad CPC library to play wyztracker tunes with SDCC. He also wrote the cpcrslib used with z88dk.
The last version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CapriceRPI (v 1.3) by KaosOverride for Raspberry PI is available.
This emulator base on the sources of Caprice32 (Ulrich Doewich) can also be compiled on something else than a PI with the following command : make -f makefile.notpi.
Just 16 months late to announce the latest version of the Amstrad PCW emulator Joyce v2.2.7 by John Elliott (unix and windows).
Be aware than John's web domain has changed, please update your boorkmark.
Usborne published 15 books in the eighties for several familial computers (except the Amstrad CPC...) about programmation (games especially). They are all available for free now.