News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Archon classic by React Software for Iphone


Archon is a remake for Iphone of Archon 1, it has been developped by React Games. The game cost 2,39 €, an update to v1.2 is coming soon, and they even plan on multiplayer !

You can see a video of this Archon remake on Youtube.

Youtube video

Power Toppler (Nebulus) for Iphone


Power Toppler is a remake for Iphone of Nebulus with 2 missions of 8 towers, it has been developped by Silver Software. The game cost 1,59 €

You can see a video of this Nebulus remake on Youtube.

Youtube video

Kangaroo Musique on Jamendo


I was just browsing on Jamendo when I did a research on the Amstrad keyword, and found the page of Kangaroo Musique, a well known musician on Amstrad scene. If you are fond of Amstrad CPC games music, hit the jamendo widget below (shockwave needed), but try his other albums too.

And if you are german or if your german isnt too rusty (mine is quite rusty), you can read Kangaroo blog.