A Remake of Ghost'n Goblins for Amstrad CPC 6128+ by Golem13, Winner and Ixien
-SInce one year, a remake of Ghost'n Goblins for Amstrad CPC 6128+ is in the work by :
- Program: Frédéric Poesy (Golem13)
- Graphics: Thomas Ferté (Winner)
- Sound/Fx: Julien Riet (Ixien)
With the help and support of the following peoples :
- Gérald Vincent (gerald) for the C4CPC card
- Richard Wilson (Executioner) for WinAPE, the Amstrad Plus emulator
- Edouard Bergé (roudoudou) for RASM, the ultimate Z80 assembler !
- Julien Nevo (Targhan) for Arkos Tracker
- Richard Gatineau (TotO)
- Amaury Durand (BDCIron)
- All the amstrad.eu members!!!