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Hypernoid Zero, an Amstrad CPC game by Bitplane Technomantes (Revision 2024)


At the Revision 2024, Bitplane Technomantes has released a shoot them up Amstrad CPC game : Hypernoid Zero (local download). If you did like Cybernoid 1 and 2 that you found too easy, then Hypernoid Zero is made for you ! But beware, it's more than a simple shoot them up, when you enter a new room, take some time to analyze it as there may be some surprises, puzzles. Don't take the low bounty option if you plan to upgrade your armament, and be aware of possibles secret rooms where some new armament could be found, but shhhh it's a secret !

The design is by Axelay and Rexbeng, programming is by Toms (intro) and Axelay, graphics are by Rexbeng, music is by Tom et Jerry.

They won the third place at the game development compo.

The video below is from Amstrad Maniaque (map not totally discovered), but there is also the video of Hypernoid Zero by Metr81 (only half of the map discovered though).

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