Open Tower Defense by Roudoudou, an Amstrad CPC strategy game
-Open Tower Defense is the last work of Roudoudou, a strategy game of the tower defense type, whose sources on Github are available.
The game was written by :
- roudoudou (Edouard BERGE) for code
- hwikaa for GFX cover and more
- e-dredon for 6 channels music (Playcity)
- Tom&Jerry for 3 channels music
- Ast for mass-storage version of the game
It was tested yesterday by JB Le Daron on Twitch.
For playing you must use the following keys :
- T => create Tower
- B => create Bash tower
- H => create Hurricane tower
- S => create Swarn tower
- U => upgrade
- D => delete
- ESC => instant quit
If you have a GOTEK/HXC/FlashFloppy, you should update your firmware if you want use the .DSK version of the game, otherwise use the .HFE to avoid firmware bugs.