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PCRetroTech, a Youtube channel for Amstrad PC 1512 and 1640 users (and CPC)


PCRetroTech is a recommended Youtube channel if you are interested by the Amstrad PC 1512 (with its 16 colours CGA mode) and PC 1640 (with its plantronics mode). I recommend these videos (there are more of course, the 3rd is also about Amstrad CPC) :

Microweb v2.0, a web navigator pour msdos et 808x (+) by James Howard


MicroWeb v2.0 par James Howardest un navigateur web pour processeur Intel 8088 (et +), CGA, EGA, VGA ou Hercules, interface réseau ou port série et driver EtherSLIP), souris recommandée non nécessaire, 640 Ko de mémoire recommandé, EMS/XMS non nécessaire (mais permets de charger des plages plus importantes en taille). Cette nouvelle version apporte les fonctionnalités suivantes :

  • Support for more video modes, including monochrome and colour modes (including Amstrad PC 1512 in 16 colors mode)
  • GIF images are now loaded
  • PNG and JPEG dimensions are loaded but not the content
  • Improved font rendering and better Unicode support for accented characters
  • More HTML tag support including tables and forms
  • Can now leverage EMS memory (if available) for larger pages and images

Blorp!, a text adventure game by Shawn Sijnstra for Amstrad CPC et PCW (and more)


Shawn Sijnstra (and Stefan Vogt) are working on VEZZA his Infocom/Inform/Z-machine interpreter for Amstrad CPC and PCW (and other computers) to play adventure games without needing a memory expansion (Inform format v1 to v8), under CP/M and not Amsdos. The program you need to dowload is different if you are using an Amstrad CPC ( or a PCW (

For the 3th PunyJam contest PunyJam he wrote with the PunyInform library a text adventure game : Blorp! (February 2023). This is a short adventure set in an underwater brewery. You left your rather expensive experiments in the hands of your friend Dave, but you know something isn't right. You better have to download the Airlock Collection pack for its Amstrad CPC/PCW disk image, the Itch page has only a Z3 and Z5 infocom file.

Microweb, a web navigator in 16 colours on Amstrad PC 1512 by James Howard


James has modified Wolfenstein 3D to work on a PC XT in CGA and also wrote a web navigator : MicroWeb for Intel 8088 or compatible CPU, CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules compatible graphics card, network interface (it is possible to use your machine's serial port with the EtherSLIP driver), mouse is desirable but not 100% required, 640k RAM is desirable. EMS/XMS are not required. And thanks to the author of the PicoMEM, MicroWeb is now supporting the CGA 16 colours of the Amstrad PC 1512 (was monochrome before, and GIF support too), but I dont see a new release in the github, so wait a bit.

A new version of Martine by Impact is available (v0.40) today


Martine v0.40 is an utility written by the Impact group :

  • converting JPG and PNG images to Overscan screen or window for Amstrad CPC (and Plus series)
  • new tile map mode, which allow to analyze an image of a level game, and produce .imp and .til readable by tile tool from Impact

This version is available as today. It is available for Windows, MacOS, ARM64 and linux.

Redux, a text adventure game by Shawn Sijnstra for Amstrad CPC et PCW (and more)


Shawn Sijnstra (and Stefan Vogt) are working on VEZZA his Infocom/Inform/Z-machine interpreter for Amstrad CPC and PCW (and other computers) to play adventure games without needing a memory expansion (Inform format v1 to v8), under CP/M and not Amsdos. The program you need to dowload is different if you are using an Amstrad CPC ( or a PCW (

For the 4th PunyJam contest PunyJam he wrote with the PunyInform library a text adventure game : Redux (December 2023). The game is an exploration into the mind of the protagonist, and has a highly unusual gameplay.

Becoming the next Titan with Multipaint 2024.3 ?


To make so beautiful Amstrad CPC loading screens like Eric Cubizolle (Titan), it's easy, you just need to use the same painting program : Multipaint by Tero Heikkinen AKA Dr. Terrorz, and maybe a bit of talent and mostly a lot of work.

Titan is describing Multipaint as a mmix of OCP Art Studio and Deluxe Paint for windows which offers the possibility of using the resolutions and palettes of a whole bunch of old computers including the Amstrad CPC (mode 0 and 1, overscan possible in mode 0).

Two videos presenting Multipaint (beware they are both from four years ago, so not about the latest version and features) :

New CPC/Plus-focused tile-map editor by Cwiiis (and more)


Cwiiis is the author of Maped, a python utility to edit Amstrad CPC(+) tilemaps (see on CPCWiki and Github).

On his Github you can find two other Amstrad CPC related utilities : dsk2dir (creation/extraction of .DSK) and cprtools (concatenate ROMs in one .CPR).

CP/Mish by David Given for Amstrad Notepad NC200, January version


CP/Mish by David Given has been updated, last version is from the 7th January 2024.

All CP/MIsh sources are on Github for Linux.

The available memory is 60 Kb by using all the memory available (128 Kb) but please check the NC200 readme for more informations especially the warnings about files in RAM (lost after notepad is off), the disk cache (chance disk only at CP/M prompt, and switch off the notepad only at prompt or you may loose write disk accesses).

Playing to Wolfenstein 3D in CGA thanks to James Howard, and a web navigator too


Playing to Wolfenstein 3D on a PC XT in CGA was your dream, James Howard did it. Several video modes are available :

  • 4 colour RGB mode with red palette (default mode)
  • 4 colour RGB mode with magenta palette (start WOLF3DC.EXE classic)
  • Composite CGA mode (start WOLF3DC.EXE composite)
  • Tandy 160x200 mode (start WOLF3DC.EXE tandy)
  • LCD inverse monochrome mode (start WOLF3DC.EXE lcd)

James also wrote a web navigator : MicroWeb for Intel 8088 or compatible CPU, CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules compatible graphics card, network interface (it is possible to use your machine's serial port with the EtherSLIP driver), mouse is desirable but not 100% required, 640k RAM is desirable. EMS/XMS are not required.

RASM v2.1.6 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC, integrated with ACE-DL


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.1.6) was released two weeks ago on Github.

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

Reading ebooks on Amstrad CPC with SymbOS par Prevtenet


Prevtenet is the author of Zym an interpret of Infocom adventure games using the Z-machine for SymbOS. He has converted public domaine books (including the bible in different languages) to the .HLP format of SymbOS.

Disk Image Manager v2.8.0 for windows by Damien Guard


Disk Image Manager v2.8.0 by Damien Guard is an application for examining and manipulating disk images in the Standard and Extended DSK format used by many ZX Spectrum, Amstrad PCW and CPC emulators.

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