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WIP IMPDOS by AST, an Amstrad CPC ROM for the XMASS mass storage extension card


CubeIOS is out, but AST is still working on his ACMEDOS replacement : IMPDOS for the mass storage extension card XMASS.

New version 130318b of YANCC by SOS for the XMASS extension card


A new version of YANCC (Yet Another Norton Command Clone) is available (130318b). It's a text interface to manage your files on the X-Mass and the AcmeDOS ROM with an interface which looks like norton commander or midnight commander).

  • Fixed Unwanted starts of YANCC during Warm-Reset (e. g. Monty on the Run)
  • In rare circumstances, some files are copied empty.
  • In rare circumstances, the ROM-Init of YANCC makes nonsense... (e.g. in "12 Lost Souls")
  • CubeIOS bugfix

It's this new version which is needed if you want to use the new ROM CubeIOS which replaces ACMEDOS.

CubeIOS, a FAT16,32 IDE-OS ROM for the Amstrad CPC's with XMASS


The XMASS mass storage extension card can now be used with another ROM, that is CubeIOS :

  • Detect (nearly) all Fat16+Fat32-Partitions on your CF-Card, DOM, etc. (1st Partition please). Prefered is Fat32 (should be faster with Save-Commands). You can format the media with e.g. Windows and fill it with data.
  • Partial longnames.
  • the usual RSX like |MD, |RD, |REN,....
  • |DIR + |CD accepts wildcards
  • Compatibility should be high (i hope so ;) ) - but i'm playing around with a lower-rom-patch to increase compatibility.

The ROM must be placed below AMSDOS and (if used) M4DOS, PARADOS. It's not compatible with ACMEDOS at the same time. YANCC-User should be update to the latest version.

CubeIOS for Amstrad CPC and XMASS

Using Telnet with your Amstrad CPC and the wifi M4 Board by Duke


After chess, the wifi M4 Board has another use : connecting to internet with the telnet protocol (beware, it's not secured) thanks to Duke who programmed it for his wifi M4 Board.

BBS Terminal by Glenn Wilton, based on Ansiterm by Ewen McNeill : RS232 communication


Arnoldemu uploaded BBS Terminal by Glenn Wilton on CPCWiki. It's a communication utility to connect on BBS (Bulletin Board System) with a RS-232 hardware. BBS Terminal is based on Ansiterm by Ewen McNeill. Arnoldemu intent to modify BBS Terminal to be able to use the wifi interface by Duke.

RASM v0.69 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v0.69 (15th February 2018) :

  • added $ prefix for hex values
  • added 0xb prefix for binary values
  • added shifting operators << and >>
  • EDSK update/generation improvements (make backups before use!)

RASM v0.68 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v0.68 (7th February 2018) :

- Morphos compatibility code
- some error messages modified
- breakpoint in snapshot with BRKC chunk for ACE emulator
- shorter splash text
- unused var cleanup
- includes or incbin in a disabled section won't warn anymore if file does not exists

New version of FutureOS, an operating system for Amstrad CPC


A new version of FutureOS, an operating system for Amstrad CPC is available on the web site, programmed this time not by TFM but by Gunhed.

  • Plus Version: Debugged and Interface enhanced. ROM C compressed
  • Interrupt Mode 2 Management enhanced. Code compressed in ROM D
  • Support for MultiPlay enhanced. Sign on messages adapted. Now only ROM A is active, ROMs B-D are set inactive
  • Interrupt Mode 2 Entry put at address &FCFC in ROM's A, B and C (D needs to be compressed first)
  • Support for Speech Synthesisers added (LambdaSpeak, SSA-1 and dk'tronics)
  • Enhanced System Stability: A click on the RUN Icon (or hotkey e<X>ecute) will deactivate the <I> Icon. Few bytes saved
  • New feature: Auto-DIR added, every click at device icon reads DIRs. Initialization string moved to fixed address
  • OS function EXCP improved. Later this year ... ;-) ... ConfigOS / KonfigOS updated
  • Added OS function R_PS2 to read SF2 PS2 mouse X, Y, five buttons and scroll wheel. Data in YL, YH, D and E
  • FutureOS XROMs "TOOL-DEU.ROM" and "TOOL-ENG.ROM" updated (new versions of KonfigOS/ConfigOS and OS-Infos)
  • Bug in OS function EGEN_HD corrected, which was introduced after OS system 0.5 - relevant only for Dobbertin HD20
  • KonfigOS / ConfigOS utilities debugged. Now they work with everything :-)
  • Function added for adaption of hard coded ROM number in ROM files on disc. With checksum update. Needed for EPROMs

RASM v067 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


Not very new (February 2017), Roudoudou has written a multi platform Z80 assembler for Amstrad CPC. It was originally designed for the release of his CRTC³ Amstrad CPC+ demo (cartridge mode, banking, ...).

The last version of RASM is v0.67 (21th December 2017) : bugfix buffer overflow with long filenames for export, export breakpoint in snapshot (unofficial Winape chunk), new directive BREAKPOINT, labels begining with BRK or @BRK for local labels will be exported as breakpoints in the snapshots.

New version (1208) of CHIPNSFX by CNGSoft, a multi-platform tracker and player for Z80 systems


The last version of CHIPNSFX tracker+player suite by CNGSoft is out since the 8th December 2017 : minor patch allowing longer title and description strings and accepting keys O, S and J as synonyms of Y on "yes/no" questions.

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