Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2025 about games, page 76 / 77

Tower Toppler v1.1.3 for windows, a Nebulus remake


There is a new version of Tower Toppler since I wrote about this remake of Nebulus, with one more mission of several towers (tower toppler v1.1.3).

a tribute to the sisters, a remake of Great Giana Sisters


A tribute of the sisters (click on download) is a work in progress of a great giana sisters clone for FutureOS (an alternate operating system for Amstrad CPC). It's written by TFM, sound by Kangaroo Musique and graphism by Tolkin.

You can test a tribute to the sisters on CPC-Live.

Gamebase CPC


GameBase is an Open Source "Emulator Frontend", released under the GNU General Public Licence. It is a program that attempts to make running games on various emulators very easy, so that you don't have to remember lots of command line parameters and config settings. GameBase is the Official Frontend for the GB64 Collection of C64 games. It manages games, music, docs, screenshots and more

There is of course a GameBase CPC maintained by Loïc Daneels. He is adding .YM music, screenshots, scans of package and documentation.

Retro Still Alive


I found Retro Still Alive on GameBase CPC, you will find 47 reviews of Amstrad games there (french only though).

Elite IV soon on (C)PC, PS3 and Xbox360 !


After some announces in 2006 and 2007, this time it's for real, the PS3 information site thesixthaxis has confirmed that David Braben officially announced Elite IV for PC, PS3 and Xbox360, but sadly not for CPC. No date is given though.

screenshot of Elite by Ian Bell and David Braben

Boulder Dash on Iphone and Itouch


For the 25th anniversary of Boulder dash 1, First Star Software has released Boulder Dash vol. 1, a remake on Iphone and Itouch with updated graphics or the old school graphics.

The game costs 3,99€ for the 80 original levels plus 4 bonus levels, check Boulder Dash vol. 1 on Youtube.

Knight Lore remake for MSX2


There is a nice remake of Knight Lore for MSX2 created by Manuel Pazos (Guillian) and Daniel Celemín (LordFred). This remake features :

  • Different palettes for day and night
  • In game map that shows the player location, visited rooms and objects location
  • Improved music (adding some reverb)
  • Torch animation (can be disabled by pressing ESC while booting the game)
  • Bug fixing of the original game
  • Intro scroll showing the 'Mist tunes'
  • On turbo R, the R800 is enabled to prevent slowdowns

Go on the RetroWorks website to get this remake and more :

  • The game ROM (48K)
  • A full game map using screenshots of this new version
  • A user manual in PDF format
  • Packing designs (cartridge label and box)

You can see a video of this Knight Lore remake on Youtube.

Amstrad CPC on Youtube


I just added a new feature for the Amstrad CPC games database, you can now see video game footage from Youtube on each game page, see for yourself just below (javascript needed) :

Batman the movie

Or just browse the database for more game memories.

CPCGamesCD updated


CPCGamesCD is a live CD by MiguelSky with emulators and the NVG Amstrad game collection. It has been updated :

  • Includes frontend, new CPC Loader 2.4 by Troels K.
  • Includes NVG games update 11.04.2009
  • Includes Snap-Pack by MiguelSky (3576 images)
  • Added new version 6.2 of JavaCPC emulator
  • Includes Linux version of CPCLoader 2.4 and emus update
  • Includes Maps folder of NVG and support for that
  • Includes Links to T.A.C.G.R.

For more news, Go to home page