Kevin Thacker's conversion of a Magic Bytes reflexion game released in 1989 : Blue Angel 69 (written by Winfried Stappert)
is now available. The original game is turn based (vs computer or another player). The screen draws a 8x8 chessboard filled with positive or negative numbers. Each turn, the player must choose
a number whichs on the same linge (or column for the other player) that the last chosen number. Once chosen the number est removed from the chessboard and added or substracted from the player score. The
goal of the game is of course to have more points than your adversary at the end of the game (where you will see the sexy robot fully).
Blue Angel 69 has been programmed by Kevin Thacker, graphics by Markus Hohmann, CAT art, inlay, disc label by Kukulcan, Blue Angel 69 website
hosted by Markus, created by Kukulcan.
You can download the FULL game and source from Kevin Thacker's website.
In the sources you will find a library to use StarKos from z88dk, and within morelib some extras for loading/saving files using amsdos,
displaying double height chars and more. The code also includes a modified version of cpcrslib which Kevin modified to try and make the
code smaller. Kevin hope others using z88dk to make games will find these sources useful.
All build files and tools (excluding z88dk) are in the download. Kevin Thacker provides all so that you can learn from it, and that's a very good idea.
You will also be able to download it from cpc-power, and here you will also find cassette inlay and a disc label,
both created by Kukulcan.