Port de l'émulateur Amstrad CPC Caprice32 par Colin Pitrat sur Github
-Colin Pitrat est l'auteur d'un port de l'émulateur Amstrad CPC Caprice32 initialement développé par Ulrich Doewich.
Fonctionnalités de cette version de Caprice32 (désolé en anglais) :
- Complete emulation of CPC464, CPC664 and CPC6128
- Mostly working support of Plus Range: CPC464+/CPC6128+/GX4000 (missing vectored & DMA interrupts, analog joysticks and 8 bit printer)
- Joystick support - it can be fully used with joystick only, thanks to an integrated virtual keyboard.
- Joystick emulation - joystick-only games can be played using the keyboard
- English, French or Spanish keyboards
- DSK and IPF files for disks - VOC and CDT files for tapes - CPR files for cartridge
- Snapshots (SNA files)
- Direct load of ZIP files (all formats except IPF)
- Custom disk formats
- Printer support
- Memory tool to inspect and modify memory (peek and poke)
- Experimental support of Multiface 2 (you should prefer using memory tool)
- Text mode graphics (using aalib or libcaca)