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Le soundtrakker PC Arkos Tracker v2.0.0a8 par Targhan (Arkos) est disponible


Targhan a sorti Arkos Tracer v2.0.0a8 sous linux, windows et mac.

  • Play and compose your music in real-time on your CPC via any serial interface! The CPC client supports the CPC/Mini Booster, USIfAC and Albireo! And also the PlayCity! This means you can directly hear how your 3/6/9-channel music will sound on the CPC!
  • A toolbox in the pattern viewer to transpose, swap, remap specific instruments.
  • Instrument preview when loading them.
  • A better MIDI import.
  • MOD import can generate PSG instruments instead of samples. Useful for conversion to soundchip!
  • New logo and splash screen.
  • And many, many smaller features and bug-fixes.

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