News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC
CPCGamesCD updated by MiguelSky (January 2006)
CPCGamesCD has been updated :
- Includes frontend, CPC Loader 1.6 by Troels K.
- NVG games update 3rd January 2006
- Includes Snap-Pack by MiguelSky (2700 images)
- Includes new version of CPCE and WinCPC emulators
CPCPSP v0.1 by Nige, an Amstrad CPC emulator for Sony PSP
The disk utility ManageDsk v0.14c by Demoniak is available
ManageDSK v0.14c by Ludovic Deplanque is out. It's a minor update of its windows utility to manage Amstrad CPC disks images (.DSK).
CPCDiskXP v1.3.1, a .DSK file manager by Mochilote on CPCMania
A new version of CPCDiskXP is available on CPC Mania. It's a .DSK file manager for windows XP (v1.3.1).
It fixes vortex support, and features new Floppy to DSK system, completely rewritten, with many features.

CPCE v1.53 by César Nicolas Gonzales, an Amstrad CPC emulator for windows
CPC Game Reviews updated (January 2006)
CPC Game Reviews has 6 new reviews of games by Firebird, and is also covering all games created during 2005.