X-mas 2008, an Amstrad CPC+ demo by Impact (December 2008)
-X-mas 2008 is an Amstrad CPC+ demo released in December 2008 by Impact.
X-mas 2008 is an Amstrad CPC+ demo released in December 2008 by Impact.
Hate Beats is a demo released in October 2007 for Amstrad CPC+ by Ukonx, code by Power, code divers by Deemphasis, original graphics by Unison/Ozane, modified graphics by Grim (Semilanceata) and music by Deemphasis.
Ukonx is a french demo group, created in 1992, programming first on Amiga then on PC.
You can see a video of Hate Beats on Youtube.
Arome Tomate is a new Amstrad CPC demo by Overlanders : Candy (code), Beb (logo), Barjack (font) et Tom & Jerry (music).
Pheelone is a new Amstrad CPC demo by Norecess (code), Ced (graphisme) and Targhan (sound). This demo needs 128 Kb memory, and has been programmed with Small Device C Compiler v2.9.0.
You can see a video of Pheelone on Youtube.
Killmax by OFE is the winning demo of the Amstrad expo 2009 meeting. The sense of humor of OFE is awful, that's why you will like the demo.
You can see a video of Killmax on Youtube (beware for a better sound run the .DSK in WinApe with a 44 Khz setting or on a real Amstrad CPC).
Sappy is a french Amstrad CPC+ demo by the Semilanceata group released in January 2007.
You can see a video of Sappy on Youtube.
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