News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Video of the Benediction Coding Party #4 by Roudoudou


You couldn't come to the Benediction Coding Party #4 meeting well organized as usual by Eliot (Bénédiction) ?

Thanks to our master cook Roudoudou who can master cooking as well as he can use a camera, you will feel you were there if you go look this video on Youtube (see below).

Recycled Bug, an Amstrad CPC+ demo by Da Boxon Team (BND 4)


Da Boxon Team have released a new Amstrad CPC+ demo for the BND 4 that just took place this week-end : Recycled Bug (local download). The code is written by Nicky One and music by Giherem.

Borderline, an Amstrad CPC demo by Pulpo Corrosivo (BND 4)


Pulpo Corrosivo have released a new Amstrad CPC demo for the BND 4 that just took place this week-end : Borderline (local download). The code is written by Toms, graphics by Beb and music by E-Dredon.

The Origin of Football Manager Part 1 by Kevin TOMS (May 2024)


Kevin TOMS is the original author of the game of football management : Football Manager, edited by Addictive Games in 1982 on Amstrad CPC.

Since the 27th May 2024 you can buy the first part of his book about the creation of Football Manager (the link isn't sponsored).

Amstrad CPC Revision zero and new Gate Array by Bread80


Bread80 has several projects at the moment, he is working recently on two interesting ones.

First project in two parts, the presentation of the Amstrad CPC Revision Zéro, yes the one base on a 6502 processor which was never finished. It was shown by Roland Perry at a spanish meeting, and Deepbf was able to take photos. So Bread80 did analyse in a first part the working of this prototype card which was clearly non functionnal. In the second part, he is starting to design a working 6502 Amstrad CPC (with a 2 Mhz model like the BBC computer).

Second project which is the following of the one started in 2020 by designing a new Gate Arry using a Rasperry Pi Pico 2040, but now that the new Pico model is out, he is starting using the Raspberry Pi Pico 2350 more powerful and which has more GPIO, in three technical parts (first part, second part, third part).

Arkos Tracker v3.2.1 beta by Targhan is available


Arkos Tracker v3 by Targhan is available on the new web site, the new site isn't complete but it holds already several tutorials. The last version available is v3.2.1 (21th October 2024). It's a beta version but totally usuable as stated by the Targhan, for windows, mac and linux (intel and ARM).

Dizark isn't anymore embedded in Arkos Tracker and has now its own web site. Disark is a Z80 disassembler, but it is more than that as it can be used to convert sources from an assembler to another.

Below you will find the content of the announcement of Arkos Tracker 3 on CPCWiki :

Arkos Traker 3! It is a 100% redesigned, recoded version of Arkos Tracker. Don't worry though :

  • Compatibility with the previous versions of AT is ensured
  • The players are unchanged, minus a few bugs (AKY users should re-encode their files though)

A few features :

  • Open source
  • A completely new instrument editor
  • Simplified pattern management
  • Undo/redo everywhere
  • Theme-able